

by - September 29, 2012

You guys must have known how I love my Skin79: Hot Pink BB Cream which I always use everyday, suitable for my oily skin and perfect for hot and humid weather in Indonesia. So I never change my BB cream and always repurchase the Hot Pink one, until I met this little guy..

I'm Mac NC25 so the shade I'm using is the no. 21 (Light Beige). I love how this BB cream has some shade, so it won't look too light or too dark for our skin, because everyone has different skin tone, and my Skin79 Hot Pink only comes in one shade.. The shades are: #31 Golden Beige, #13 Milky Beige, #21 Light Beige, #23 Natural Beige, #27 Honey Beige.
And it also comes in two different size, 20ml and 50ml. Because I was just trying out to see if this BB cream works for me, I bought the travel size one, but I will make sure to buy the original size one later hehehehe.

The shade is perfect for my skin tone, and the coverage is awesome! Just a little goes a long way, and even though the coverage is not as good as foundation, but as a BB cream, it does a very good job! It also has kind of baby powder scent, not a bad scent though, I kinda like it ;)

(left: without flash // right: with flash)

If you apply this on your face, you don't have to apply sunscreen (it has SPF42 PA+++ how cool is that!!!), moisturizer, concealer, primer and even powder! It gives flawless and natural finish to your face. If you're in a hurry, this guy is your best buddy. The less makeup you wear, the better! This BB cream doesn't break me out, I love this BB cream sooo much! I haven't found anything I don't like from this BB cream though..

(left: without flash // right: with flash)

Rating: 4.5/5
Size: 20ml / 50ml
Price: $$$$$ (Full size: $30.00)
Repurchase: Yes. Yes. Yes!

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  1. I was looking at getting a new BB cream and this is one of the ones I thought about getting. Do you like it better than the Skin79 Pink?

    I've followed your blog :) Please follow back:

  2. wuaa ntar post ya FOTD pake ini jess :D

  3. aku ga prnh lho pake yg 21, klo bb cream gt pasti yg 23 atau no 2.. takut keputihan.. xD tp bagusan keputihan kyny drpd kehitaman, jd kusam *self-experience ._.

    1. hahahahaha.. warna nya pas kok di aku.. kalo pake yang natural beige takutnya malah gelap..
      iya iya bener.. kalo salah shade bb cream mending lbh putih, soalnya kan masih bisa pake powder lagi, hehehe..

    2. tp pengen nih skali-kali nyoba yg no. 21.. ntar ah coba belii.. :D

      btw jes aku tag km, cb liat d sini yaaa: http://purplelyhazelly.blogspot.com/2012/10/this-or-that-game-tag.html ^^

  4. Hello Jessie..
    I'm aware Rini just tag you.. Anyway.. I've just tag you too in "this and that" tag game! Check it out! Can't wait to read yours!:D

  5. Luvin the review! SPF 42?! Waaaaw. I will definitely put this on my wishlist tehehehehehhhh

  6. Pagi Jessie.... gimana caranya supaya kita tau skin tone kita, heheh.... mahluk awam nehh


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