by - August 20, 2013

I love shoes.
High-heeled, platform, wedges, sneakers, ankle boots, oxford, ballet flats, mules, slippers, all of them.
I love them. I will never have enough shoes in my life.

And as an Asian, I'm pretty tall.
People do not need to mention that I'm tall, I am aware that I am tall.

Who says that high-heeled shoes are made only for small-short-petite girls?
Who says that tall girls cannot wear killer heels? 

Dear everyone, I'm only 174 centimeters.
I'm not making any sin from being pretty tall and wearing high-heeled shoes.

Would you please stop looking and whispering about me, my heights and my attire to your friends?
Thank you.


The one that's aware being whispered.

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  1. Haha.. Tall girls problem. I feel you, sis

    1. hahaha asik ada temennya ;p
      jgn-jgn km malah jauh lebih tinggi dari aku, hehehe

    2. Enggaaa.. tinggian lu kok.. gue cuma 170 pas. Hehehee.. Ditambah gue bongsor juga, makin-makin dah tuh orang-orang kalo ngeliat udah kaya liat bencong baru keluar nyari mangsa. hahahahaha

  2. Envy~~ Selalu iri deh sama cewe yang tingginya di atas 170cm. hehehe. Kl menurut gw cewe tinggi itu sexy loh. haha

    1. hehehe seneng sih jadi cewek tinggi, gak semua orang bisa terlahir tinggi..
      tapi ya itu, disangka aneh sama orang2.. tiap nge-mall dan jalan2 pasti selalu ada aja yang ngmg, "tinggi amat!", "udah tinggi masih pake sepatu tinggi.." dan banyak mata yang ngeliatin dari atas sampe bawah hahahaa.. but somehow it makes me a lot confident, berasa jalan di atas catwalk tiap hari :D


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