

by - September 15, 2013

For me, Nivea lip products are not new discovery, because I have been using these for more than 5 years, and I'm pretty sure that you know about these stuffs already. Then I just want to mention that these babies have been helping me to maintain healthy and soft lips, even though they are drugstore products, but the quality is a lot better than some high end products that are more expensive than these. They're about USD 20 (IDR 20.000 something) here in Jakarta, Indonesia, and you can find them at every drugstore in the city.

I have tried all the 'Lip Care', thats what Nivea call their lip balms, and my favorite one is the Fruity Shine in Strawberry, because it has gorgeous shade! I have pale lips, so I prefer colored lip balm, especially the sheer one! It perfectly color my lips, moisturizing and nourishing, has SPF 10 and also smells good, a perfect combo!

When I was at drugstore the other day, and was looking for the Fruity Shine Strawberry (because I ran out of mine), then I found the Vitamin Shake Cranberry & Raspberry, sounds yummy right? I grabbed both of them, and thought I should give the Vitamin Shake a try. The consistency is pretty much the same like the Fruity Shine, I love how it looks like marble, I've never seen anything like that in my lip balm tube before, it smells really really AH-MAH-ZING like raspberry candies. However, I don't really like the pale color on my lips, so I don't really use it when I'm going out. Practically, I only use it before I go to bed.


Bare Lips

Fruity Shine - Strawberry

Vitamin Shake - Cranberry & Raspberry

Even though these products do not stay long on my lips, they're not like stain lip products, so you have to reapply after you eat or drink. But I love them (especially the Fruity Shine!) because they're really moisturizing, the color is sheer, has glossy look, has SPF 10 and smell amazing. If you had flaky, chapped, dry lips, so should consider on buying these products, because they work great on me! :)

Rating: ★★★★
Price: $$$$$
Size: 4,8 g
Repurchase: Yup

P.S. This blog has received 40,000+ hits! Thanks to you who also has big appetite for beauty like me, to come by and visit this blog. Lets try, learn and share together! 

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  1. Vitamin Shake Nivea nya bakal jadi whis list haul nih.. "̮HαHαHα"̮ racun jess..

  2. Yang strawberry lucu aneettt.... :3
    Tapi yang vitamin shake bagus pas di tubenyaaa... >,<

  3. uh lala~ yg cranberry warnananya aku suka banget <3

    btw, it's fine kok kalo mau ambil foto ER lancome aku.
    you can grab as many as you need with photo credit ofc :)

    thanks for a visit and have a nice day! ヾ(^∇^)


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