
Review: Clear Nose Set (Blackhead Remover Solution)

October 31, 2014 / BY Jessica Simon
Last month I reviewed some products from Copia, which are the apricot body scrubs, body wash and face scrub from Beauty Buffet. Copia brings a lot of makeup and skincare brands from around the world, most of the products come from Asia, such as Korea, Japan and Thailand. This Clear Nose set came from Japan and won The Best of Blackhead Product from...

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Review: Kiehl's Epidermal Re-Texturing Micro-Dermabrasion

October 28, 2014 / BY Jessica Simon
Microdermabrasion is not a new thing, especially for those who are very concerned with skin health. Microdermabrasion is abrasion action that aims to erode the top layer of skin using fine crystals. The aims are to rejuvenate the skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and also reduce blemishes. Usually this method is done in beauty clinics at quite expensive price, but turns out...

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Falling In Love All Over Again...

October 23, 2014 / BY Jessica Simon
Do you still remember your first love experience, when everything feels like heaven lol. First love, first kiss, first heartbreak and other firsts are the things that can not be forgotten, that's why people say 'First impression is the last impression', because it won't happen twice, let alone repeatedly. Now, I dare you to to experience another first love, read this post until...

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Tutorial: Makeup & Hair for Job Interviews

October 20, 2014 / BY Jessica Simon
Hi all! It's been a long time since I did a make up tutorial, this time I  collaborate with my bestie, Maria Clara (Miu) of The Peach Beauty. And as you know, I just graduated recently... And suddenly Miu and I were inspired to create makeup tutorial for job interviews :) Hai semua! Udah lama banget nih aku gak buat make up tutorial,...

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I Plaid Guilty!

October 20, 2014 / BY Jessica Simon
Ahoy my beautiful mates! ^_^ I guess it's time to dress up for fall heheh. Even I don't live in four-seasons country, I play with color a little bit. I'm wearing my wine red leather bag from DressV to match up my plaid shirt. Yup, plaid shirt is a must have item for fall! ;) H&M skater dress, Esprit plaid shirt, DressV leather...

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