Review: Atomy BB Cream

by - October 15, 2014

Hi beauty biters! ;)
As you already know, I prefer to use BB or CC Cream on my daily basis compared to foundation. This is because BB Cream offers more functions such as SPF, anti-aging, moisturizing the skin, but still working to cover skin blemishes and even out skin tone. Recently, I discovered Atomy BB Cream from Miss Lie Collection which is actually quite famous here!

Seperti yang sudah kalian ketahui, aku lebih suka menggunakan BB atau CC Cream sehari-hari dibandingan menggunakan foundation. Hal ini dikarenakan BB Cream menawarkan lebih banyak fungsi seperti SPF, anti-aging, melembabkan kulit, namun tetap bekerja untuk menutupi noda-noda dikulit dan mengatasi warna kulit yang tidak merata. Baru-baru ini, aku menemukan Atomy BB Cream dari Miss Lie Collection yang ternyata cukup terkenal!

Atomy BB Cream is not the first Korean BB Cream that I tried, before I've ever triedeven reviewed!some BB Cream from Korea. Well, what distinguishes Atomy BB Cream with other BB Cream? Obviously, as seen from the outside, the packaging doesn't look as cute as usual Korean products, the packaging design is very simple with a twist cap which is easy to use. But unfortunately, the same as other Korean BB Creams, Atomy only have one shade, so we have to accept what it offers hehe.

Atomy BB Cream ini bukanlah BB Cream asal Korea yang pertama kali aku coba, sebelumnya aku pernah mencoba bahkan mereview BB Cream asal Korea. Nah, apa sih yang membedakan Atomy BB Cream dengan BB Cream lainnya? Jelas sekali kalau dilihat dari luar, penampilannya gak selucu seperti produk Korea yang biasanya heboh di packaging, desain packaging Atomy ini sangat simple sekali dengan twist cap yang mudah digunakan. Namun sayangnya, sama seperti BB Cream asal Korea lainnya, Atomy hanya memiliki satu shade saja, jadi mau gak mau kita pasrah aja deh sama warna yang ditawarkan hehe.

The expiration is two years. Actually, I've read some reviews about the BB Cream Atomy before trying it out, and I've been using this BB Cream for the past few weeks, but there are a few things different between the reviews that I read and what I experienced. First, almost all of the reviews said that the BB Cream makes face look dewy. While the end result that I experienced is matte, without powder at all. Secondly, many people say that the coverage of Atomy BB Cream is a medium to high coverage, whereas I think the coverage is light. (Not long ago, Atomy BB Cream's packaging was replaced to this one, there is a possibility that the ingredients had been updated so maybe that's why there are some different results between other reviews and my experience.)

Masa kadaluarsanya adalah dua tahun. Aku pernah membaca beberapa review mengenai Atomy BB Cream sebelum mencobanya, dan aku sudah menggunakan BB Cream ini selama beberapa minggu terakhir, namun ada beberapa hal yang berbeda antara review yang aku baca dan yang aku alami. Pertama, hampir semua review yang aku baca mengatakan bahwa BB Cream ini membuat wajah terlihat dewy. Sedangkan hasil akhir yang saya alami adalah matte meskipun tanpa penggunaan bedak. Kedua, banyak yang mengatakan kalau coverage dari Atomy BB Cream adalah medium to high coverage, sedangkan menurutku coveragenya light. (Belum lama ini, packaging Atomy BB Cream diganti menjadi seperti ini, terdapat kemungkinan ingredients-nya ada yang diperbaharui sehingga terdapat perbedaan hasil antara review orang lain dengan yang aku alami.)

Atomy BB Cream has SPF 30 PA ++, if you're planning to do flash photography, do not use this products or any product that contains SPF, because it will cause white cast. As I explained earlier, BB Cream is more suitable for everyday use, so we do not need to apply separate foundation and sunscreen, simply use BB cream alone. Additionally, Atomy BB Cream have great oil control, so my face does not look greasy all day without applying powder at all.

Atomy BB Cream ini memiliki SPF 30 PA++, jika memiliki rencana untuk photography terutama yang menggunakan flash, sebaiknya tidak menggunakan produk ini dan produk apapun yang mengandung SPF, dikarenakan akan menimbulkan white cast. Seperti yang aku jelaskan diawal, BB Cream memang lebih cocok untuk penggunaan sehari-hari, jadi kita tidak perlu menggunakan foundation dan tabir surya yang terpisah, cukup menggunakan BB Cream saja. Selain itu Atomy BB Cream dapat mengontrol minyak berlebih, sehingga wajahku tidak terlihat berminyak seharian meskipun tidak menggunakan bedak sama sekali.

Although there is one shade only, Atomy BB Cream does not make the face look grayish like most other Korean BB Creams do! As you can see above, the skin becomes brighter but it looks very natural on the skin because the shade is very neutral. Although the coverage is light, but the BB Cream is able to cover blemishes and uneven skin tone, but concealer is needed to cover up acne.

Meskipun hanya terdapat satu shade saja, Atomy BB Cream tidak membuat wajah terlihat abu-abu seperti kebanyakan BB Cream Korea lainnya! Seperti yang dapat kalian lihat diatas, kulit menjadi lebih cerah namun terlihat sangat natural dikarenakan warnanya netral di kulit. Meskipun coveragenya light, tapi BB Cream ini sanggup menyamarkan noda dan warna kulit yang tidak merata, tetapi untuk menutupi jerawat perlu digunakan concealer.

Without the use of a primer, BB cream can blur out pores. These products can actually be used for all skin types, but I highly recommend Atomy BB Cream for oily skin or acne, because the oil control is very good! 

Atomy BB Cream can be purchased at the Miss Lie Collection. Don't forget to quote 'BEAUTYAPPETITE' when check-out for free shipping all over Indonesia.

Tanpa penggunaan primer, BB Cream ini dapat menyamarkan pori-pori. Produk ini sebenarnya dapat digunakan untuk semua jenis kulit, tetapi aku sangat merekomendasikan Atomy BB Cream untuk yang memiliki kulit berminyak atau berjerawat, karena oil controlnya yang sangat baik!

Atomy BB Cream dapat dibeli di Miss Lie Collection. Jangan lupa unttuk menggunakan kode 'BEAUTYAPPETITE' ketika check-out untuk gratis pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.

Rating: 4.5/5

 J E S S I E 

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  1. You have such great skin I'm super jelly! it really minimized the appearance of pores :)

  2. Awesome review!
    I'm curious to know is BB cream also good for boy?

    Of course I rememberrrr one of the best blog I ever visited daily.
    Jadi sekarang kak jess lebih ke beauty yaa nggak fashion-fashion lagi?


    1. Yes, BB cream can be used for anyone! I actually recommend using BB Cream on daily basis, because it has moisturizer, SPF and tinted color to cover blemishes.

      Aku masih post personal style aku kok hehehe, cuma agak jarang karena suka males bawa kameranya hihi :p

  3. Thank you for a great review on Atomy BB cream. I love it and highly recommend Atomy products. I'm a business consultant for Atomy. Please contact me at for more info on products and how to purchase.

  4. I really appreciate your review on Atomy. Atomy is coming to the Philippines to formally set up its branch in late April or early May according to the news. I am joining Atomy, my sponsor is Byungchul Lee of Korea. Anybody interested with the products or opportunity - membership is free, kindly please PM me in my FB account, Eric Lomibao Parayno, or email me at

  5. I really appreciate your blog on Atomy BB Cream. Interested in joining the opportunity for free, please PM me in my FB account, ERIC LOMIBAO PARAYNO, or email me at

  6. What I like about the Atomy BB cream is it looks natural in your skin yet covers the big pores and blemishes... if you want to try this product email me at growrichpinoy @ on how to purchase this product. This is available in the US, Canada, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines and Cambodia... coming soon to Thailand, Malaysia, Mexico, etc.


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