
Clear Black Party

by - December 06, 2014

Clear Dandruff Awareness Campaign held in order to relaunch Clear shampoo, anti-dandruff shampoos no. 1 in Indonesia, officially started through Clear relaunch Black Party in Empirica, Jakarta, Indonesia featuring the pop diva, Agnez Mo. In this event, Clear Shampoo invite celebrities and Indonesian public figures to appear confident wearing black clothes without worrying about the problem of dandruff.

Dandruff is still a major scalp problem in Indonesia. As an anti-dandruff shampoo No. 1 in Indonesia, Clear Shampoo reaffirmed the commitment to deliver an anti-dandruff solution leading to all the people of Indonesia. This commitment is embodied in the form of the relaunch of the series Clear Shampoo, which is now equipped with a special formula Nutrium 10 which has been enhanced.

Agnez Mo, Brand Ambassador CLEAR Shampoo 

The fact that 9 out of 10 women in Indonesia claimed that their biggest concern is dandruff back again, is the basis for the Clear re-launch. Unique formulation in New Clear Shampoo is the perfect solution to overcome the problem of dandruff back again. Formula Nutrium 10 enhanced working with nourish the scalp, so as to eliminate dandruff and prevent dandruff back again.

As an anti-dandruff shampoo No. 1 in Indonesia, Clear Shampoo is also an anti-dandruff shampoo which was first issued different variants for men and women. This shows Clear Shampoo understand the different needs of men and women's scalp, making Clear Shampoo as a scalp treatment experts who provide a complete solution for the people of Indonesia. "Women's scalps have lower moisture content so that tends to be dry. Meanwhile, the man who coined the scalp tends to be oily, "said Dr. Andrew Jones.

(Left to Right) Johan Lie - Senior Brand Manager Clear Shampoo; Agnes Monica - Brand Ambassador CLEAR Shampoo; Dr Andrew Jones - Research Scientist R & D Unilever UK

Indonesian pop diva Agnes Monica itself was proud to be part of a national campaign run Clear Shampoo is. "I want to encourage every woman Indonesia to always appear confident, without fear of being disturbed by the appearance of dandruff coming back. I look into the evidence that I was free from worry because dandruff problem back again, "said Agnez Mo.

Based on research conducted by Clear Shampoo, found that dandruff is a hair problem number 1 for male and 2 for the number of women in Indonesia. As many as 71% of women in Indonesia have experienced problems that cause dandruff hair they can not confident at all times. In another study revealed that 55% of women who have dandruff problems prefer to do a temporary solution, such as tying the hair, use a hair accessory, to avoid dark colored clothes. This indicates a lack of public awareness of the importance of addressing the problem Indonesia dandruff. 

Present in Clear relaunch Black Party number of top artists Indonesia, among others Sandra Dewi, Mike Lewis, and Marissa Nasution, who responded positively to the launch of this national campaign. As usual, Agnes Monica, who delivered three songs always appear confident and flawless. "I can perform free expression and confident because I no longer worry about the problem of dandruff. Using Clear Shampoo every day proven to protect and nourish the skin's natural coating that prevents dandruff head back again. Now, there's nothing to hide! "Said Agnez Mo.

It is also encouraging Clear Shampoo Brand Ambassador Agnes Monica to continue to maintain the beauty of the hair and scalp health while using the Clear Shampoo every day. "Career as a public figure makes me should always appear confident, including for matters of appearance of hair. I know that everyone is at risk of dandruff problem, therefore, specifically for hair care, I entrust the Clear Shampoo that can overcome the problem of dandruff as well nourish the natural layer of the scalp, thus preventing dandruff back again. With Clear Shampoo, there was nothing more I hide!" Said Agnez.

In order to relaunch, CLEAR Shampoo encourage women and people of Indonesia participated in the "CLEAR Dandruff Awareness Campaign" which aims to educate about dandruff problems experienced by women in Indonesia. "The fact that 86% of Indonesian women do not feel confident with dandruff hair inspired us to do this campaign. With the "Clear Dandruff Awareness Campaign", we would like to invite Indonesian women to be more concerned in addressing the problem of dandruff so they can appear confident all the time. Through the "Clear Dandruff Awareness Campaign", we hope all Indonesian women can be free from worry will dandruff back again and ready to say there was nothing to hide, "said Johan added.

As an initial step of "Clear Dandruff Awareness Campaign" Clear relaunch Black Party held which was attended by the Selebrita and public figures who appear confident by wearing black clothes without fear of dandruff.

 J E S S I E 

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  1. Wow great event I hope to attend one in the future :)


  2. ih asik banget sih bisa dateng ke event itu..
    bisa liat agnesmo secara live :(..

  3. wah acaranya pasti seruu abis tuh yah mantap euyy...


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