

by - November 05, 2015


Some people believe in destiny, and some say that it doesn’t exist. And when we’re talking about destiny, it reminds me of a quote of William Jennings Bryan who said, “Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.

I recently came across a video of Anggun, International Singer/Songwriter who is incredibly famous and talented, not only in Indonesia, but all over the world especially in Europe. And I don’t know about you but before I watched the video, I never knew that she struggled so much that she had to leave Indonesia and started her new journey somewhere else. All I know is her success stories. Not about her battle.

I find this video really inspiring, how she #CHANGEDESTINY by moving out of Indonesia and started new career in totally new places, how she strived in London and didn’t give up, yet she rose up even stronger than before.

Whatever we’re dealing on right now, we have to remember that we all have the power to be what we want to become. We have a chance to #CHANGEDESTINY and all we have to do is achieve our goals.

Here are some things that we all should remember:
-          Keep yourself motivated
By your friends, family, books, movies. Be inspired everyday by every little thing that happen in your life
-          Believe in yourself
As cheesy as it sounds, don’t ever lose hope in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will
-          Find your window of opportunity
There is always a way. When you think there’s no chance, change your point of view, make your own way if possible
-          Make choices
Making a big change is scary, but regret is even scarier. But remember, your choice reflects your life, so make good ones

All in all, watch Anggun’s video, let me know what you think and share your secrets to #CHANGEDESTINY, would love to read that! J

 J E S S I E 


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  1. Thank you for this <3 Needed words of motivation today (:

  2. Keren banget dah Anggun ya, bener2 memotivasi bahwa kegagalan itu pasti didapatkan semua orang kok, tinggal orangnya aja mau berbuat lebih apa gak gitu. Coba kalau setelah dari London dia berputus asa dan gak mau berusaha lagi, mungkin yang kita kenal sekarang cuma Anggun penyanyi era dulu, dan bukan Anggun yang sukses seperti sekarang ini >___<b

  3. Nice post!!
    inspirasi banget niih untuk kita supaya terus berusaha dan percaya kalo kita bisa menjadi orang yang lebih hebat..


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