A Day At Celebrity Fitness (Basic Yoga Class)

by - December 09, 2015

If you guys follow me on twitter or instagram, you must've known already that I went to Celebrity Fitness for a basic yoga class couple weeks ago along with my fellow blogger friends and Female Daily members! I believe than beauty isn't only about you look, doing makeup and such, but also a healthy lifestyle. Isn't it good to feel beautiful inside out? :)
We went to Celebrity Fitness Platinum at FX Mall Senayan

Address: FX Lifestyle X'nter, F4
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kota Jakarta Pusat
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10270
Phone: (6221) 25554288
Getting ready for our basic yoga class with pretty Wenny from www.shesaysbeauty.com :D
Though it's only basic yoga, but I felt refreshed afterwards. I think I should make go to the yoga class regularly to keep my body fit and toned haha. #bodygoals

They also got us healthy drink and lunch that day.
This set doesn't look much but I felt so full. And I never knew that healthy foods can be that tasty though, I don't mind having this kind of meal everyday :D
Every visitor is provided a card for the locker, and fresh clean towel. I like how clean the place was, I meant when I go to the gym, hygiene and sanitary will always be my top priority, don't you agree?
Locker room selfie hehe.
There are lots of space to blow dry my hair, I really appreciate they provide seats there, because not every gym provides it, mostly they only provide blow dryer alone.
I think I should start joining Celebrity Fitness and have a healthier lifestyle ASAP! :)

 J E S S I E 


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  1. Sounds really great.. I try yoga twice but i just use workout dvds and apps..

  2. Huahahaha jadi inget masa2 dulu aku juga jadi member ini gym, udah lama banget, 2005-2008. Karena dulu ceritanya masih single tanpa anak, jadi mau apa aja juga hepi dah, paling hepi kalau di kamar mandinya, bisa lebih lama di sana daripada berkutat dengan mesin2nya XDDD~

    Sekarang udah gak bisa lagi, secara farrel ruwet banget, diajak ke sana waktu ngunjungin temen yang lagi gym, dan dia hampir bikin orang lain celaka XDDD~

    Sekarang cuma ngandalin DVD aja olahraga di rumah, yang penting berusaha ya kan XD

  3. Aku dapet yg di Gold's Gym, seminggu setelah ini kayaknya... Dan itu Vinyasa bzzzzz.. Mau matekkkk udh hampir 1 tahun ngga yoga *sigh... Nice post Jess


    1. oiyaaa aku liat di instagramnya ce putri juga hehehe :)

  4. i did some pilates back in the days, thinking baout getting a new regimen. thanks jess

    xoxo, Beauty Redemption

  5. Great post! =)



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