Review: Secret Key Starting Treatment Essence

by - February 09, 2016

Truth be told, the first thing I know about Secret Key was for being a dupe for SK-II. As Facial Treatment Essence being one of the most famous products from SK-II, I was really intrigued to try Secret Key Starting Treatment Essence. Thankfully there were some discounts at Miss Lie Collection when I got this, so make sure to look for 'Shocking Deals' to get more discounts! (Simply by entering this keyword: 'shocking deals' at the search tab)
'Essence' originally comes from Asian skincare, I found some western brands like Clinique and Estee Lauder now also have similar products like this... The function is to prep the skin before using other products, so difference between essence and serum is texture, essence is more like water while serum is thicker, so essence can absorb easily into the skin because it's more lightweight. So I use the Secret Key Starting Treatment Essence (STE) after my toner, and before my serum.

I assume most of you have tried the famous SK-II FTE, so I'm going to use that as a comparison. Though I love SK-II FTE, actually I'm not a really big fan of the scent, so Secret Key STE just got a plus point there. As for the texture, SK-II FTE is not as watery as the Secret Key STE which at first I thought as normal water. It feels like SK-II is more concentrated, where the Secret Key use more water as ingredient, which actually cannot be blamed of, if we look for the prices comparison, for a full size bottle of Secret Key, you can only get a trial size package of SK-II. Each bottle of STE will last me for about 2-3 months, I apply it twice a day by using my hands.
I'm not saying this Secret Key STE is the perfect dupe for SK-II, but a great alternative if you're looking for more affordable essence. The first thing I noticed after using Secret Key for about a month was my face looks glowing, especially when I wake up in the morning. It also helps to calm down my skin, prep my skin really well before I use other products.
I tried using cotton pad and my hands to apply the STE, but I prefer to use my hands instead, I found it absorbs much better and faster, and I could also give myself a little massage while applying the essence :) Win win!

There are so many ways to apply STE though, for example sometimes I soak cotton pads with STE and use it as a face mask. This is one of many things that I couldn't do with SK-II FTE, because I don't want to spill any product T_T with STE, I can use it as much as I want, buying another bottle won't hurt my wallet as much as buying FTE lol.
I would recommend this product to those who are curious about SK-II FTE, but don't want to spend much money on skin care, this is a good alternative that you can try! Please don't expect immediate result after using this essence, as FTE didn't actually react that quick on my skin as well. I will keep using this product from the time being and will update you more about it in the next couple of months :) If you want to try Secret Key Starting Treatment Essence, head over to Miss Lie Collection. (Quote 'BEAUTYAPPETITE' for free shipping all over Indonesia)

 J E S S I E 


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  1. After toner?

    So it is like the final youch after make up, right?
    Hmmmmmmm I think boys could not use it


    awesome review kak jess


    That animated pic is soooo adorable hehe :3

    1. it's skincare not makeup, can be used for everyone lah :D
      thanks anyway!

  2. you look pretty even without makeup jess <3 <3
    udah kepengen coba STE dari dulu tp blm kesampaian XD baca post mu ini jadi kepengen lg jess
    nice post!

    1. *_* dipuji sama yang punya kulit paling bagusssss haha
      ini juga penasaran dari dulu mau coba kok :P

  3. Ada yang bilang kl product ini bikin purging dulu, kl boleh tau, km ngalamin purging dulu engga waktu pakai? Thanks

    1. Aku sih gak ngalamin purging untungnya.. Ada yang bilang SK-II FTE juga bikin purging, tapi pakai FTE pun aku gak purging kok.
      Mungkin beda kulit, beda hasil juga yaa :)

  4. Foto .gif keren banget *jadi salah fokus. Hihi

  5. Looks really like a great brand,never tested but would love to.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. favoritku dari dulu banget ini jess, mau beli lagi belum sempet karena pengen coba-coba produk lain, tapi kayaknya emang mau balik lagi pake ste ini, secara aku uda habis total 3 botol 2 tahunan kl ga salah. hasilnya lebih lembab, bikin cerah,ngirit dan harga murah wkwk

    ♥ Pinastika Beauty Blog ♥

    1. oh ya wie? sebelumnya coba-coba apa? *kaypoh*
      hehehe iya lumayan kalo ga mau pake FTE, bisa cobain STE aja dulu :)

  7. Jessss.. Bare Face mu cantik aneeeet.. pingin cubit.. btw, aku kurang cocok pakai STE jess, malah brutusan dibeberapa tempat.. cuma FTE SKII yang nggak buat purging..

    1. Kalo di aku sih untungnya STE dan FTE gak purging, cuma baunya FTE kalo awal-awal pake agak gak suka, kalau STE gak ada baunya (atau mungkin lebih banyak airnya hahaha, gak tau juga yaaaa...)

  8. Kayak nya oke.. Jd penasaran.. :)

  9. aku suka ini suka ini suka ini, tapi udah tergantikan oleh missha, dan sekarang si missha sudah tergantikan oleh fte skii XD cuma kayaknya gak bakalan pakai fte lagi karena gak mempan di aku (aneh ya? kok yang mahal gak mempan sih, syedih kan)


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