
Visiting Royal Garden Spa Platinum

March 21, 2016 / BY Jessica Simon
I visited Royal Garden Spa with some of my friends last week, they just opened a new Platinum store with the theme of Archipelago Heritage Masterpiece, bringing valuable culture of Indonesia to become king in his own country. Royal Garden customers will be greeted with aromatherapy, music relaxation, products made from natural ingredients, skilled therapists who are competent in their fields, and a...

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Peachie Speechie

March 19, 2016 / BY Jessica Simon
As you can see, I got myself a new cut, on my bangs to be precise. It was awful, I accidentally cut it too short and decided not to upload any pictures of myself. I'm the kind of person who prefer to do everything by themselves instead of relying on somebody I cannot trust, and in this case, my bangs. I always cut...

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Beauty Swap With The Peach Beauty

March 14, 2016 / BY Jessica Simon
It's been a long time since my last collaboration with Miu from The Peach Beauty, so we came up with an idea to exchange gifts of beauty products! I was curious of what she bought for me, because we have different preferences, skintones, and also styles... Watch the video to see what I got from Miu :) Don't forget to check Miu's video...

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Setting Lifestyle Goals

March 10, 2016 / BY Jessica Simon
I may not be the fittest person you've seen, but I always try to be fit by doing small things like avoiding too much carbs, sweets, and soft drinks, and not to mention I workout every other day, at least twice a week. I don't do it specifically for a good body—though who doesn't want a toned bod anyway?—but for my own health...

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Hair Myths & Facts

March 08, 2016 / BY Jessica Simon
We've all heard some ridiculous myths about hair, and recently I read this article about hair myths and decided to share it with you guys, just in case if you haven't known about it already. Some of the myths have been going on for years, here are some of them: Myth No. 1: Cutting Hair Makes It Grow Faster and/or Thicker False. Shorter...

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Tutorial: Korean-Inspired Makeup Routine

March 06, 2016 / BY Jessica Simon
Hi guys! I'm sorry for the lack of updates lately. I've been extremely busy lately, and too tired to take even a single picture. But now I'm back with a makeup tutorial! So I started learning Korean couple weeks ago, and I decided to start watching K-Dramas. I'm so hooked with couple of series and I'm inspired by their beauty to recreate Korean...

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